Parish Council – Minutes – 7/9/2020

The minutes of the virtual meeting of Ashwell Parish Council held on 7th September 2020 at 7pm, hosted by Val Harvey.

Present were: Wendy Cheesman, Chair,  Tony Graveling;  Brian Farr;  Val Harvey;  Ward Councillor June Fox. Clerk was Sally Harnett.

There was one member of the public, Mr Graham Smith.

1 The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed manually by the Chair.

2 There were no apologies for absence.

3 There were no Declarations of Interest.

4 Matters Arising from the last meeting:

The village hall refurbishments were ongoing, but there was a shortage of plasterboard at present. A new notice board is to be erected when possible, a quote is to be obtained for construction.

The cherry tree on the village green is now dead, enquiries will be made as to whether Rutland County Council, as owners of the tree, will perform the felling of the old tree. A resident has offered to replace the tree.

The new litter bins are on order, an update will be sought.

The Local Electricity Bill, MP Alicia Kearns was requested to support the bill through Parliament.

5 Finance report from Tony Graveling

The present balance stands at £11676.72.  A bank reconciliation was carried out on 20 June 2020.  A donation of £1700 was paid on 9th June 2020 to the Ashwell Village Hall committee for refurbishment.  A VAT refund of £54 was received from HMRC for the 2019/2020 financial year.  An income from the Community Infrastructure Levy on the Shipping Containers on Cottesmore Road amounting to £443.93 has been received.  The Ashwell Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the 2019/2020 financial year is available on the website:-

Finally, thanks are expressed to Sally Harnett for all her work and payment of wages £384.00 for 32 hours work since 8th June 2020, and £7.26 for back pay from 1st April to 8th June. An increase in pay was announced by NALC with effect from 1st April 2020. Holiday pay amounting to £143.54 for the 2019/2020 financial year has also been paid to Sally Harnett.

Mr Graveling was thanked for his valuable work on Finance.

6 Planning.

NB: ITEM 9, Public Forum was introduced at this point as a resident had concerns about local planning.


Mr Graham Smith was invited by the Chair to offer some points on the new Local Plan, also the White Paper on Planning.  Central Government is proposing to speed up the planning process at local level.  There are plans for a new RCC Local Plan in about 9 months’ time.

Central Government has a duty to co-operate with local councils.

6 Planning, Minutes.

As Ashwell has, in recent history, experienced a development where the village comments were virtually ignored, it was felt that there must be a response from APC to the Local Plan Consultation, in order to try to protect the village in future.

When considering RCC’s Local Plan it is important for residents and councils to be aware of the significant and far reaching changes to the planning process being proposed by the Government.

It appears that many existing procedures could change and this will result in less influence and involvement by local communities in the planning process in the future

APC will produce a response to the Local Plan Consultation before the cut-off date of 9th October 2020.

The naming of the Kimball Close and Garden Centre area as “Ashwell South” is still in the current Local Plan Consultation, Mr Roger Ranson at RCC has said he would be willing to look at other names in the response from Ashwell.  There have been 2 suggestions from residents – Langham East and East Langham, as this area is in Langham Parish.  Mr Ranson will be informed.

St George’s Barracks proposal.  The biggest concern for Rutland is the lack of infrastructure in the St George’s Barracks plan, so far there has not been enough emphasis on roads and public transport.

The Manor Farm development: a check on the 15 Conditions attached to planning permission.  Enforcement can only be undertaken after building has commenced.  It was noted that the farm buildings are still being used for storing grain.  Comment was made on the history of flooding at the site.

7 Highways report by Wendy Cheesman.

There are several ongoing matters for Ashwell, a list of the job numbers and current positions is attached to these minutes.  Also ongoing is the state of the ditch in Oakham Road, and the blocked pipe under Water Lane.

Railings in Water Lane.  There has been some painting of the railings by RCC, thanks will be expressed to RCC.  APC has always refused to undertake RCC infrastructure responsibilities.

The signs at Oakham Enterprise have been renewed, thanks will be expressed to RCC.

There is a plan to update the feedback from RCC to parish councils.

8 No new correspondence.

9 The public forum was moved to precede item 6, Planning, as the resident was concerned with planning issues.

10 Cottesmore tip.

Councillor June Fox said that at the present time RCC has no intention of reopening Cottesmore Tip.  The staff have been redeployed to other duties.

Ashwell has requested regular updates as residents are unhappy about the continued closure of this valuable amenity.  Ashwell PC has asked for confirmation that it will reopen but, to date, no reassurance has been given.

The Local Plan states the provision of two disposal sites in Rutland and APC feels strongly that it is very important to have this local amenity reinstated a.s.a.p.   Environmentally to have a local depot is important, as shown by an increase of fly tipping, and the North Luffenham site is further mileage for people to travel on small country access roads.

APC has requested that RCC consider implementing an appointment system to avoid queueing on the Cottesmore Road.

11 Co-option of new parish councillors. RCC will be asked for assistance.

12 Leaflet on living in Conservation Area. RCC will be asked for assistance.

13 Return of the Wellspring. Editor Yvonne Ewing will be thanked.

14 Armed Forces Covenant with reference to Ashwell.  Some discussion has taken place, it was stated that it is believed that there are highly qualified associations such as the British Legion already involved in assisting the serving forces. It is unclear what is expected from a small village such as Ashwell.

15 No AOB at present.

16 Date of the next meeting is Tuesday 1st December 2020, Val Harvey is available to host a virtual meeting if necessary.

Thanks were expressed to Mr Graham Smith for his valuable assistance and offers of further assistance, also to Councillor Fox.

The meeting was declared closed at 20.15 hours.
