Parish Council – Agenda – 5/3/24

The Agenda for the meeting of Ashwell Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 5 March 2024 at 7.15pm at Ashwell Village Hall.
1 Apologies for absence
2 Declarations of Interest
3 Minutes to be agreed and signed
4 Matters Arising
No extension of dates for comments on Local Plan. CPRE response.
5 Public Forum. 10 minutes.
6 Finance report.
7 Planning.
Land opposite 1, Langham Road.
Building line in Water Lane.
8 Highways.
Potholes. Flooding. Hedge near pumping station Teigh Road. Scruffy
railings in Teigh Road. Verges in Brookdene. Survey re electric
charging stations for vehicles.
9 Correspondence received
Crow scarers.
10 Police report.
11 Item. Future national kerbside household re-cycling requirements.
12 Any Other Business to be put forward for the next meeting.
13 Date of the next meeting, AGM of Parish Council and the Annual Parish Meeting.