Parish Council Annual Return 2021/22

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Annual Financial Report

Rutland County Council (CIL Charging Authority) introduced a CIL charging schedule on the 01 March 2016. Regulation 62A of the Community Infrastructure Regulations 2010 (as amended) (CIL Regulations) requires a Local Council to produce an annual report for each financial year setting out the amount of CIL receipts received: spending of CIL receipts; and the amount of CIL retained by the Council for future spend.

Town or Parish Council:   ASHWELL

1 April  2021  to 31 March 2022                       

ATotal CIL income carried over from previous years  £  443.93
BTotal CIL income received (receipts)£  833.58
CTotal CIL spent (expenditure)£  500.00
 Total CIL requested to be repaid in the year£  
 Total value of CIL receipts subject to a Repayment Notice served in any year that has not been repaid£
DTotal CIL repaid in the year following a Repayment Notice£
ETotal CIL retained at year end (A+B-C-D)£ 777.51