Parish Council – Agenda – 12/12/2019

The Agenda for the Meeting of Ashwell Parish Council to be held on Thursday 12 December 2019 at St Mary’s Parish Church, Ashwell, starting at 7pm.

1 Apologies received.

2 Declarations of Interest.

3 Minutes of the previous meeting to be approved.

4 Matters Arising:
Barrowden Parish Council proposal correspondence. Water Lane fencing. Hedge at bus stop.

5 Finance:

6 Police
PC Appleton Meeting report. Property marking event.

7 Planning
Garden structures. Trees applications. St Georges Barracks funding. Solar farm at Langham.

8 Public discussion:
Please notify clerk if you would like to speak.

9 Highways:
Litter Pick date. Damaged verges in Teigh Road. Suggested 40mph signs. Ditches and gullies causing flooding. Flooding at crossroads Cotesmore Rd and Water Lane.

Rubbish in Whissendine Road. RCC requirements for Snow Wardens for villages. Bad appearance of Oakham Business Park exterior, on main approach into Ashwell parish. Resurfacing of Ashwell pavements.
Info received re Community Speed Watch group.

10 Meetings:
Minutes of Bus Users Group at RCC available on line.

11 Correspondence:
New website for Healthwatch. Glow in the dark signs for defib.

12 Any Other Business