The Minutes of the meeting of Ashwell Parish Council held on Tuesday 5 March 2024 at 7.15pm in Ashwell Village Hall.
Present were Val Harvey, Chair; Tony Graveling; Sue Ellis; Harry Smith; David Linnitt. Ward Councillor Kiloran Heckels. Clerk Sally Harnett.
There were 6 members of the public.
1 There were no apologies for absence.
2 There were no Declarations of Interest.
3 The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed.
4 Matters Arising
No extension of the time for the study of the proposed Local Plan has been given. The CPRE circulated a copy of its response in protest of this.
5 Public Forum.
Notes are attached to these minutes.
6 Finance report.
The present balance stands at £9240.79. The Parish Precept of £4500 for the Financial Year 2024/2025 was applied for in January as agreed. An invoice received for 2023/2024 street lighting electricity costs of £587.38 has been paid. Val Harvey was thanked for his huge efforts in printing the New Local Plan for more efficient scrutiny and comment by Ashwell councillors. His printing costs amounting to £48.18 were paid by APC.
A Bank Reconciliation was carried out on 31st December 2023. Fiona Tylecote has agreed to carry out the Internal Audit for Ashwell Parish Council for the year ending 31st March 2024. An annual contract for supply of electricity to the telephone kiosk from 1stMarch 2024 for 12 months has been continued with SSE. Payments are made monthly by direct debit, totalling approximately £92.
After it was agreed at the last meeting to fund a replacement defibrillator, an offer of a grant funded defibrillator from London Hearts was taken up, the donation by Ashwell Parish Council amounting to £750. Thanks were expressed to Harry Smith for his investigation in this matter.
Membership fees for LRALC will be due shortly at approximate £180.
Resolution: to approve renewal of LRALC membership fees, proposed by Val Harvey, seconded by Harry Smith, and passed unanimously.
Renewal of CPRE is also due, approximately £36.
Resolution: to approve renewal of CPRE membership, proposed by Sue Ellis, seconded by David Linnitt and passed unanimously.
Ashwell Parish Council will again be exempt from an External Audit. Moore UK, the new External Auditor will be available for any questions from the public regarding the Annual Return of Ashwell Parish Council for the year ending 31 March 2024. Hard copies of the Annual Return will again be requested by APC in preference to email copies.
Clerk Sally Harnett was thanked for her hard work, and wages paid of £241.57 for 17 hours work, and £41.83 for back pay from 1 April 2023 has been paid.
Tony Graveling was warmly thanked for his finance report.
7 Planning.
The list of current planning applications, approved and pending, was circulated. A resident’s query regarding the building line in Ashwell was discussed, but residents with any such queries need to be advised to approach Rutland County Council. The appeal against the refusal of permission by Rutland County Council for a residential dwelling on land opposite 1 Langham Road has been dismissed by the Government Planning Inspectorate.
8 Highways
The grass verges in Ashwell have some very damaged areas after the heavy rainfall recently. A complaint has been received that the roadside railings in Teigh Road are very scruffy. RCC Highways will be informed. There is a hedge hanging over the grass verge which is the only footway in Teigh Road, forcing pedestrians to walk in the road. RCC Highways will be informed.
There are many large and small potholes throughout the village, these have been reported several times on Fix My Street, they will continue to be constantly reported as they are a constant danger to bicycles and motorcycles. Some potholes in Cottesmore Road have been repaired.
Ward Councillor Heckels advised that there are new electronic speed signs being erected in Rutland. There are 2 speed signs in Ashwell, they should be taken into account for replacement.
There was some discussion regarding the storage containers at Eastfield Farm, Cottesmore Road. Two previous applications for containers on the site included the payment of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to RCC and APC. The latest application did not mention CIL, the reason being that these were not now considered dwellings
Flooding. Ashwell flooding was discussed and identified. There is a questionnaire on flooding on RCC website which will be looked at. There is a survey on RCC website regarding sites for electricity charging stations for automobiles.
An email has been received from RCC Highways detailing many road closures on Whissendine Road for repairs.
Questions were asked as to why the roads and verges have been dug up by contractors recently installing new telephone lines. Much damage has occurred. RCC will be questioned as to why no notice was given of any plans to carry out this work in Ashwell. A resident questioned why green painted markers have appeared on the ground on the driveway from the Water Lane towards his property. Enquiries will be made to RCC.
9 Correspondence.
Crow scarers. Much distress has been recorded as a result of the very loud bangs emitting from a scarer sited near to Kimball Close, Langham, but very close to Ashwell dwellings. A letter from a resident to MP Alicia Kearns has been copied to APC. It was decided to send a copy to Langham Parish Council. Many residents have complained about the volume and frequency of the bangs. The rules of this will be checked. Enquiries and complaints should be made to the Environmental Protection Officer at RCC.
10 Police
The latest report was discussed, there were no crimes reported in Ashwell. The clerk will continue to inform the local police of the dates of the meetings of APC, but the police shift system usually does not permit a personal visit.
11 Waste Disposal.
There are new rules being organised by central government concerning kerbside recycling. The notification has been received and the new system has to be in place by 2026 and 2027.
12 Any Other Business to be discussed at the next meeting.
None was suggested.
Date of the next meeting.
14 May 2024. This will be the Annual Meeting of Ashwell Parish Council, preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting, which is rather less formal.