The approved Minutes of the Ashwell Parish Council held in Ashwell Village Hall following the Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 24 May 2022.
Present were Val Harvey, Chair; Brian Farr; Sue Ellis; Stan Davey.
Ward Councillor June Fox. Clerk was Sally Harnett.
1 An apology was received from Tony Graveling, due to illness.
2 There were no Declarations of Interest.
3 The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.
4 The election of the Chair. Val Harvey was elected to chair this meeting, Sue Ellis was elected to chair the next meeting.
5 Matters Arising from the last meeting.
Mobile Post Office, Councillor Fox will make enquiries as to the full range of services provided at the mobile, it is believed that the full post office range would be available. Once this is known, it could be publicised in Ashwell. A list of approximately 10 users to commit to using the Mobile would be needed by Post Office, as Ashwell, population around 300, is smaller than the usual stops.
Parking at Langham Place. A resident reported that his reply from FixMyStreet was that nothing could be done about the parking, and the case was closed. APC had applied for the site to be discussed at the meeting of the Highways and Transport meeting at RCC, but this meeting has been postponed to July, due to changes at RCC. APC decided to continue pressing for a resolution to the parking, causing a danger to other road users, including pedestrians and buggy users trying to access the footway. APC will continue to press for a resolution to the danger, for footway users, in the position of the path crossing the road at Langham Place.
Telephone kiosk. The new K6 kiosk is due to be re-instated during the next week. A representative from APC would be needed to attend, contact details will be supplied to the installers. It is hoped that the concrete step could be lowered to be level with the grass.
Grateful thanks were expressed to Brian Farr for doing the majority of the complex work in achieving the good result, he stated that he had received co-operation from Tony Graveling, and Tony Wright, the Conservation Officer for Rutland.
The claim for Insurance was agreed in January, regret was expressed that the matter had dragged on so. Once the kiosk is reinstated, the defibrillator can be replaced.
Memorial poppies will be discussed at the September meeting.
6 Finance report by Tony Graveling, Responsible Financial Officer.
The balance stands at £13.047.30. The precept of £4500 as requested for the year has been received.
A bank reconciliation of the Parish Council account was carried out on 31March2022 .
Memberships of LRALC and CPRE for 2022/2023 were renewed as agreed.
Bunting for the Queen’s Jubilee was ordered at a cost of £308.59 from the Royal British Legion Industries as agreed at the last meeting.
The Parish Council Insurance needs to be renewed with effect from 1June2022. A quotation of £302.19 for renewal from APC’s present suppliers, Zurich, has been received. An excess of £100 applies. Once the telephone kiosk has been replaced APC may need to consider adding it to the insured items.
Resolution: to renew the Ashwell Parish Council with Zurich, at a cost of £302.19.
Proposed by Val Harvey, seconded by Stan Davey and passed unanimously.
Annual Return 2021/2022
Mrs Fiona Tylecote kindly agreed to act as internal auditor for the Parish Council accounts for the financial year ending 31Mar2022, Mrs Tylecote has completed the audit and a review was sent to the Chair. Ashwell councillors have all seen a copy of the accounts.
Resolution: to approve the accounts for the year ending 31Mar2022
Proposed by Brian Farr, seconded by Sue Ellis and passed unanimously.
The accounts were signed by the Chair of Ashwell Parish Council.
6.1 As the Ashwell Parish Council does not have income nor expenditure above £25000 it declares itself exempt from an External Audit, Chair and Responsible Financial Officer signed the necessary form. The Annual Return Forms will be published on the Parish Council website as required. Any queries from members of the public regarding the Annual Return should be directed to PKF Littlejohn, the appointed External Auditor.
6.2 The Annual Governance Statement for 2021/2022
Resolution: to approve the Governance Statement for 2021/2022.
Proposed by Sue Ellis, seconded by Stan Davey and passed unanimously.
The form was signed by the Chair and the Clerk.
6.3 The Accounting Statement for 2021/2022.
Resolution: to approve the Accounting Statement for 2021/2022.
Proposed by Stan Davey, seconded by Brian Farr and passed unanimously.
The Chair signed the form.
Tony Graveling was thanked in his absence for his extensive work and his report.
The Clerk was thanked for her dedicated work, and wages paid of £265.57 for 21.75 hours.
7 Planning
There was discussion on the email from RCC Planning stating that 5 Croft Lane was under discussion at a planning meeting on 24May2022. Councillor Fox will make enquiries.
The refusal of some of the conditions at Manor Farm were discussed, the Planning Department was not satisfied that enough information had been supplied by the applicant.
8 Highways.
The drainage problems in Brookdene were discussed. There is a long history of contacts with RCC Highways on this subject. Councillor Fox will contact Highways for a progress report.
The long history of drainage and flooding problems in Cottesmore Road was discussed, Councillor Fox will contact RCC Highways for an update.
The condition of the path near to Ashwell Hall Stables Lane was now worse after the treatment by contractors than it had been before, and no edge-cutting had been carried out. Councillor Fox will contact Highways at RCC.
Potholes. Any sightings of potholes through or near to Ashwell could be reported to the Clerk who will send a list to RCC Highways Fix My Street.
A letter from RCC has been circulated to parish councillors and the email list detailing the closure of Langham Road, dates given as a month from 25May2022 for work at the rail crossing. Clerk has sent a query whether the pedestrian crossing will be in use.
9 Public Forum
A resident suggested that as a commemorative gesture to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the Coronation seat near to Croft Lane could be renovated. This was unanimously agreed. Stan Davey will investigate.
Some discussion took place on the planting of trees on verges, it was agreed to make decisions at the next parish council meeting.
Ward Councillor Fox informed that there could be “surgeries” in Ashwell where she would meet residents, if there was interest in this. Thanks were expressed to Councillor Fox for her encouragement and help in Ashwell matters.
10 Correspondence.
Information was received about Rutland First Responders. Publicity would be arranged to inform potential new Responders.
The invitation from the Lord Lieutenant of Rutland to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee church service in Oakham on 5 June 2022 was accepted by Stan Davey. Clerk will rsvp.
11 Any Other Business to be discussed at the next meeting.
Replacement of defibrillator in telephone kiosk.
12 The next meeting will be on 6 September 2022, and the following date is 6 December 2022.