The Minutes of the Ashwell Parish Council meeting held at 7.15pm on Tuesday 3 September 2024 in Ashwell Village Hall
Present were Val Harvey, Chairman; Tony Graveling; Sue Ellis; Harry Smith; David Linnitt. Ward Councillor Kiloran Heckels. Clerk was Sally Harnett.
There were no members of the public.
1 There were no apologies for absence.
2 There were no Declarations of Interest.
3 The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed.
4 There were no matters arising from the last meeting.
5. Finance
Notes for Ashwell Parish Council Meeting 3rd Sep 2024
The present balance stands at £12,064.38. A bank reconciliation of the Parish Council account was carried out on 30 th June 2024.
£750 was received from London Hearts for the returned C1A defibrillator.A new Cardiac Science G5 Fully Automatic Defibrillator has been ordered from The Defib Store and should be delivered in the next few days and placed in the Telephone Kiosk. The device which includes battery and adult pads has cost £1200 with £200 VAT being recoverable from HMRC. It will need to be registered with the ambulance service and possibly another training session arranged in the Village Hall.
The Canon printer/scanner used by the clerk is 8 years old and is beyond economical repair. A similar printer can be purchased for around £40-£50.
Finally I wish to thank Sally sincerely for her work and pay her wages of £319.73 for 22.5 hrs work since 14 th May 2024. Statutory Holiday pay for 2023-2024 of £100.68 has also been paid.
The new defibrillator can be hung straight into the kiosk, there will need to be further training sessions for Ashwell residents as this model is different from the previous model. Information will be placed into the Wellspring and the RRI system.
It was decided to purchase a new printer as it is a Government requirement for parish councils to possess one. A suitable model has been researched, Tony Graveling and Sally Harnett will proceed with the purchase.
Sad news has been received of the death in Ashwell of Mr David Pettifer.
David was a very amiable and competent Chairman of Ashwell Parish Council from 2002 to 2020, and was a valued member of the Steering Committee that produced the Ashwell Parish Plan in 2005 which is still a very useful reference for village residents.
It was decided to send flowers to Mrs Elizabeth Pettifer as a gesture of the sympathy of Ashwell Parish Councillors. Sue Ellis will undertake to do this on behalf of Ashwell Parish Council.
6 Planning The information re The Local Plan has been circulated by Rutland County Council, an online document of more than 40 pages. A meeting of RCC is planned for 10 September 2024. Any comments should be forwarded by then.
APC has conducted planning meetings for applications in Ashwell, in order to comment, as required, on such applications.
The main outstanding planning application is for East Wing, Ashwell Hall, Ashwell Parish Council will meet to submit its comments before the deadline at RCC.
The Major Application for a solar farm at Exton is still not on the list at RCC. It was remarked that there should be requirements for more roof top solar panels on existing buildings rather than green fields. Solar panels round and on large car parks have been observed in Europe.
7 Highways
RCC is to close the Cottesmore Road for repairs, diversions have been publicised. The license is for 6 months but the work is anticipated to take from 30 September until 2 October.
The Langham Road is in a poor state of repair. This item to be placed on FixMyStreet.
The edges of the cycle/pedestrian path to Oakham have been cleared. There are some areas of weakness in the surface.
Information regarding the deteriorating condition of the wooden bus shelters in Ashwell has been forwarded to Highways who have forwarded it to Transport, so far no contact has been made by RCC Transport. A reminder will be sent.
The many potholes in the roads surrounding Ashwell must be reported on FixMystreet.
There has been some recent damage to the railings at the end of Water Lane where the hedge has been hanging over the road. FixMyStreet will be informed.
8 Public Forum.
An item had been forwarded to the clerk in reference to the Travellers camping in Green Lane. Another group has recently camped along the Ashwell side of the lane. It was decide to keep a close observation on the situation.
9 Correspondence
The request for support for the Electrical Safety First campaign for an Act of Parliament to improve the safety of lithium batteries will be looked into. David Linnitt will head this.
The Rutland Citizens Advice Bureau has asked for more publicity detailing their work, the village hall committee and the village newsletter editor will be asked to advertise.
The information received from The Woodland Trust offering Free Tree Packs was discussed. It was decided to try to find places where more trees could be placed, and to ask landowners if they were interested. Applications could be made by September 2024 or March 2025.
David Linnitt will make enquiries in Ashwell.
10 Police
Information continues to be circulated from Leicestershire and Rutland Police via emails. The North Beat police have stated that they wish to attend APC meetings, but so far have been on duty or leave at the relevant dates.
11 Items for discussion
The 68% increase in the fee for this year’s membership was queried, and LRALC acknowledged that it was their mistake. The fee will be adjusted at the next year’s amount.
The LRALC wishes to attend a meeting to discuss its work, Tony Graveling and Val Harvey will take this in hand.
12 Any Other Business to be put for the next meeting.
No further items were raised.
13 Date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 3rd December at 1915hrs.
Public notice will be given as usual.
The meeting was declared closed at 2012hrs.