The Agenda for the meeting of Ashwell Parish Council to be held at 7pm in Ashwell Village Hall on Tuesday 7th December 2021.
1 Apologies for absence from the meeting
2 Declarations of Interest
3 The minutes of the previous meeting to be agreed and signed.
4 Welcome to new parish councillors.
5 Matters Arising from previous meetings.
a)NHS; call 111 for advice if feeling unwell, or go to for advice. 111 can
dispatch an ambulance if an emergency.
b) clarification needed on applying for mobile post office van.
c) update on notice board.
d) speedcheck training
6 Public Forum – 10 minutes
7 Finance report;
7a Village Hall update.
8 Planning.
a) Govt White Paper info in Rural Services Network News 14 Sep 2021.
b) Email address provided for info on planning developments from APC to RCC as requested
by RCC.
c) points to be covered in parish councils’ responses to planning applications in Ashwell and
d) Garden Centre
9 Highways.
List of subjects to report to Fix My Street is on line.
Updates on ITCP-2021-43 = narrow bridge;
ITCP-2021-28 = crossing at Garden Centre;
ITCP-2021-06 = 40mph limit signs; update on telephone kiosk; dredging of the brook has been completed;
FMS-RCC-08338 = overhanging branches near Ashwell Hall, ;
caravans on bridleway near Tambourine Bridge;
10 Correspondence
a) Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend 2-5 June 2022. Ashwell plans?
b) Posters re Loneliness at Christmas
11 Any Other Business to be put forward for discussion at the next meeting.
12 Date of the next meetings all at 7pm = Tuesday 1 March 2022.
Tuesday 24 May 2022; Tuesday 6 September 2022; Tuesday 6 December 2022.