The Agenda for the meeting of Ashwell Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 7 September 2021 at 7pm.
1 Apologies for absence from the meeting.
2 Declarations of Interest
3 The Minutes of the last meeting to be agreed and signed.
4 The Election of Chair for the meeting.
5 Matters Arising from the last meeting.
Hospital Plans for Rutland – Councillor Alan Walters invited to speak.
Co-option. 2nd Defibrillator discussion. Licences for bench and notice board. Cycle/footway
at Garden Centre- Councillor Stephenson notified, on-line form filled in. 40 limit signs. Rutland
Local Plan, RCC has notified details of special meeting. More social contacts in Ashwell eg
re-opening of Village Hall. Old Parking sign at village hall. New notice board.
6 Public Forum 10 minutes.
7 Finance report
7a Village Hall update.
8 Planning.
Planning list for Ashwell.
2021/0234/FUL and 2021/0858/DIS Eastfield Farm.
Safety of road crossings, Langham Road/Oakham Road.
9 Highways
Public to use FixMyStreet to report concerns. Councils to use online form.
10 Correspondence.
Mr Mace in Australia re Bullivant family in Ashwell. Adult Care leaflets distribution. Tracey
Pollard, new scheme to work alongside local NHS.
11 Police reports forwarded to councillors and Welspring, including Monthly report magazine.
12 Any Other Business to be put forward for the next meeting.
13 Date of the Next Meeting is 7 December 2021.
Proposed further dates:-Tues 1 March 2022; Tues 24May2022;
Tues 6September 2022; Tuesday 6December 2022; all at 7pm.