The Agenda for the meeting of Ashwell Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 6 December 2022 at 7pm in Ashwell Village Hall.
1 Apologies for absence to be received and accepted.
2 Declarations of Interest.
3 Minutes of the last meeting to be agreed and signed.
4 Matters Arising from the last meeting.
Queen Elizabeth 11 Coronation Bench. Mobile Post Office list. Amy Crawford, Healthwatch presentation offered. Plans for training for defibrillators. Power to Telephone kiosk. Jubilee trees on verges. Bus services for Ashwell request for reconsideration of timetables.
5 Public Forum. 10 minutes for residents to raise matters of concern to Ashwell.
6 Finance
6a Village Hall updates.
7 Planning
Local Plan. Most important criteria for determining sustainability, parish comments due in at end of December 2022. Rutland Parish Council Forum 7 December 2022.
Removal of hedges – regulations involved.
Land south of Langham Road – update from Mark Longhurst at RCC.
8 Highways.
RCC comment at parish clerk’s forum = all requests will go into next year.
Request for safer road crossing for footpath at Garden Centre, update.
Resident expressed gratitude for persistent work by Ashwell Parish council to achieve improved drainage in Cottesmore Road by Rutland County Council.
9 Meetings attended.
Rutland Festival of Remembrance. Clerk attended.
Bus Users Group postponed.
Parish Clerks Liaison Zoom meeting 19October, notes supplied by RCC have been circulated.
10 Correspondence.
Police notices on fraud have been passed to Wellspring editor.
Notice from Alicia Kearns, MP announcing her intention to convene a Parish Council Summit, with details to follow.
Rutland Climate Action website nearing completion.
CPRE Rutland to hold Parish Debate meeting Victoria Hall January 9th 2023 at 7pm.
Information on RCC Cost of Living support booklet available.
11 Any other Business to be forwarded for discussion at next meeting.
12 Dates of future meetings.
Tuesday 7 Mar 2023. (Election year for Local Elections 4 May 2023)
Tuesday 23 May 2023. Tuesday 5 September 2023. Tuesday 5 December 2023.