The minutes of the meeting of Ashwell Parish Council held in Ashwell Village Hall on Tuesday 7 December 2021, starting at 7pm.
Present were Mr Val Harvey, Chair; Mr Tony Graveling; Mr Brian Farr; Miss Sue Ellis; Mr Stan Davey; Ward Councillor June Fox.
Clerk was Mrs Sally Harnett.
There were no members of the public.
1 There were no apologies for absence.
2 Val Harvey declared an interest in item 7a, Village Hall updates, being on the committee of the Village Hall.
3 The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed.
4 The Chairman welcomed the 2 new parish councillors.
5 Matters Arising from previous meetings.
5a Mention was made of the presentation at the last meeting by Councillor Alan Walters on Health Care in Rutland. No mention was made at that meeting of the 111 telephone service for health advice. Rutland residents had reported mainly good service, but some not so good, delays in treatment being sometimes a problem.
5b Speedwatch training. There are now 6 volunteers on the list who are wishing to join the Community Speedwatch Team.
Resolution: to apply to join the scheme and to receive training in the use of the equipment.
Proposed by Val Harvey, seconded by Tony Graveling and approved unanimously.
5c There has been some confusion at RCC about the process in applying for a mobile post office to visit Ashwell, Councillor Fox will enquire further.
5d Notice Board. This is dealt with at 7a.
5e Book Exchange. It was proposed to advertise in the village to ascertain if there was an interest in having a book exchange in a permanently open place in Ashwell.
5f The defibrillator previously in the Red Telephone kiosk is undamaged, but the box was slightly dented and will be repaired, and will be re-established as soon as possible.
6 Public Forum. Ward Councillor Fox was asked to explain her role in office. It is an elected office. Her task is to pursue any village issues with RCC. The ward of Exton has 5 villages in it. Councillor Fox sits on various committees at RCC with several meetings during the week. There are ideas in the offing to hold surgeries in a type and place to suit most residents, eg Zoom or in village halls.
7 Finance report by Tony Graveling.
The present balance stands at £9,023.94.
A bank reconciliation was carried out on 30th September 2021.
There have been no requests for donations since the last meeting.
In October 2021 the sum of £833.58 was received as a result of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) applied to a siting of 40 additional storage containers at Eastfield Farm. This sum, together with an earlier CIL payment of £443.93, can be spent in the next 4 years on projects benefitting the community.
The draft Parish Council Budget for 2022-2023 that has been inspected by Ashwell Parish Councillors is open for discussion.
7.1 Resolution: to approve the Ashwell Parish Council budget for 2022.2023 – proposed by Val Harvey, seconded by Brian Farr and passed unanimously.
7.2 Resolution: to approve the precept of £4500.
After some explanation of the process of the precept, the resolution to approve the precept was proposed by Brian Farr, seconded by Stan Davey and passed unanimously.
The clerk was thanked for all her work and wages of £330.00 for 27.5hours since 7September2021.
There are training courses advertised on LRALC website for Councillors and Chairmen in January and February which can be paid for by Ashwell Parish Council. Places can be booked on line. Interest was expressed by all councillors.
Tony Graveling was thanked for his valuable work on Finances.
7a Ashwell Village Hall, report by Val Harvey.
The contractors have all been paid off. Rather than continue to use volunteers to be housekeepers, there is ongoing discussion on whether to employ a person. The committee would then become an employer, a new role. The hall receives many bookings at £10 per hour, £15 if use of the kitchen is required.
The notice board is still pending, efforts will continue to have it installed near to the hall. A licence will be needed from RCC.
8 Planning
a) Emails concerning the Central Government White Papers have been forwarded to parish councillors when received by the clerk.
b) Ashwell Parish Council has provided the email address requested by RCC, needed for updates on planning developments = The new Local Plan will be prepared during the next 4 years or so by a cross-party working group at RCC. Councillor Fox did vote to keep the last Local Plan, but the result of the vote was to refuse it and start anew. Councillor June Fox will keep APC informed.
c) Points to be covered in responses to planning applications. It was proposed by Brian Farr and seconded by Val Harvey, passed unanimously to ask Ian Razell from RCC Planning and Highways to come to the next meeting 1 March 2022, to explain the process of responding to applications.
d) Rutland Garden Centre. The lack of information for parish councils surrounding the Centre concerning
changes at the centre: it was suggested that it had been a matter for the Licensing Authority, and not the
Planning Department. Councillor June Fox will enquire whether the public should have been informed. The application for a full liquor licence will have an impact on neighbouring properties, it will be a big change of use at the centre.
9 Highways
RCC produced a list of subjects to be reported on FixMyStreet, the list appears on the RCC website.
Cottesmore Bridge was discussed, some cutting back of the bush which obstructs the view of oncoming traffic for drivers has been done. APC will continue to monitor the problem. RCC has given a job number to the situation, ITCP-2021-43.
The request for a crossing further along the verge at the Garden Centre is still pending ITCP-2021-26.
The request for a 40mph limit sign on the outskirts of the village, particularly on Teigh Road is still pending at RCC, ITCP-2021-06.
Dangerous overhanging branches at the junction of Ashwell Hall Stables and Oakham Road has been reported = FMS_RCC_08338, it was reported that a contractor has been employed by RCC to cut back the branches. Report 3137699
Councillor June Fox will request updates on all these jobs.
The clerk will report the broken concrete pillar near to the bus stop, at the culvert.
Several drains needed cleaning out as leaves are blocking them, causing great puddles. These have been reported to RCC. The dredging of the brook has been completed.
The damaged telephone kiosk. Brian Farr has been in contact with the assessors and insurers concerning the accidental complete demolition of the red kiosk by a reversing lorry driver. No package for the reinstatement of a replacement kiosk has yet been formed by the assessor, nor the insurance company. Western Power needs a number from the notification at the time of the adoption of the kiosk in order to re-establish electricity for the defibrillator and lighting. The clerk will search through correspondence to attempt to find it. The cost of employing an electrician to reinstall electricity is likely to be approximately £200. All is pending in the matter of the red kiosk, a K6 and a listed building. At present APC regards the fallen kiosk as a danger to the public, and attempts will be made to find out when it can be removed. It was decided to try reporting it on FixMystreet as a dangerous obstacle.
Caravans on the Green Lane bridleway, east of Oakham Road. There are several caravans occupied by travellers in the lane. Most have been there some months, but new arrivals have been seen. It is not certain who owns the land, but the bridleway is public. An officer from Leicestershire is known to have inspected, but he was satisfied about the hygiene arrangements.
10 Correspondence
a) Letters have been received from The Lord Lieutenant of Rutland detailing ideas for celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 11, some discussion took place concerning a street party in Ashwell. APC decided to see if there was a resident who would wish to organise a street party event, but no plans have been made for the council to organise an event.
There is already a village fete planned with a Platinum theme, but not on the Bank Holiday weekend.
The planting of trees is an attractive idea, but APC owns no land. Permission from RCC would be
required to plant trees on highways, and from landowners who might allow some trees. APC will investigate further, as ideally trees should be planted before the next meeting on 1 March 2022.
b) Posters received from the NHS are to be inserted into the next Wellspring.
The Police continue to send reports to the clerk, these are forwarded on to councillors.
11 Any Other Business for the next meeting.
A very bright spotlight has been erected at the Rutland Garden Centre, shining into the eyes of drivers on the road close by. A direct approach will first be attempted.
12 The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 1 March 2022.